Stunning gardens and a step back in time at Dunham Massey in Altrincham

We’re regular visitors to Dunham Massey, a National Trust-owned house, garden and deer park. It’s a great place to go if you fancy a walk with little ones; they love seeing the swans on the lake and the deer who wander freely about. Recently though, I took a weekday opportunity for some ‘me’ time and visited alone.
A new cafe and shop recently opened along with a reconstruction of the old Stamford Hospital, which received injured soldiers during WWI. I’ve never actually been in the house before so was excited to go in. It was impressive – there are even actors lying in the hospital beds and nurses on duty – and photographs and sound recordings all evoke a real sense of history. A word of warning, though – this part of the Dunham experience may not be suitable for very young children as there are some graphic descriptions of what went on and not every tale has a happy ending… some aspects of it are very moving.
The high point of my visit, though, was the stunning gardens; the perfect place for a bit of quiet contemplation and daydreaming. The rose garden wasn’t yet in bloom but was still very pretty with gravelled walks and wrought-iron benches. The wooded areas were still carpeted with bluebells; tulips were growing in drifts everywhere and I came across the biggest, most glamorous-looking peonies I’ve ever seen.
Oh, and another thing – don’t miss the shop. There are lots of lovely buys: books, cards, woollen blankets, toys, gardening gifts and plants. And if you’re feeling peckish try the new cafe (or my favourite – the Stables Restaurant. They serve huge, cloud-like meringues to enjoy with your tea).
Images by Sarah Hardman